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Interesting Facts about Registered Nurses in the UK

May 28 2019


Registered nurses are an integral part of the UK healthcare system providing critical support to patients in times of need. They are highly skilled, compassionate, and dedicated professionals coming from diverse backgrounds.

The job of an agency nurse is highly rewarding with each working day bringing its own set of challenges. Overcoming these gives you a deep sense of purpose and fulfilment as you go about positively impacting human lives. Some interesting facts about nurses registered in the UK are listed here:

Demand More Than Supply

Out of the practising nurses registered, some work in the NHS while others work in the private sector. However, many nurses opt for flexible hours to work around personal commitments. The nursing workforce comprises of those from the European Union and other countries as well with the latter outnumbering the former.

With an increase in the number of vacancies for qualified nurses and fewer posts being filled, there exists a huge shortfall. To really address this large shortfall more nurses need to be trained in the UK, and more nurses need to be applying for nursing college places.

Inherent Soft Skills an Asset

In addition to having a caring nature and advanced communication skills, a UK agency nurse also has to be a good listener. They will realise that every interaction with the patient and their loved ones must be delicately handled. These soft skills will invariably leave a lasting impact and are the differentiating factor between recovery and further deterioration in the patient’s health.

Revalidation is Mandatory

Every three years nursing registration comes up for revalidation. To retain it, nurses must have at least 450 practice hours to their credit within a three-year period. It includes practical nursing experience and active learning hours spent in improving one’s skills. In addition, feedback from practice, patients and colleagues is considered.

A nurse must give a personal synopsis of how certain situations they have encountered in their professional journey, and this has to be discussed with their accessor. A declaration stating your fitness to practice and acknowledging of your indemnity insurance cover must be signed off by a senior colleague. Once your dossier is submitted for revalidation, it may subsequently be audited.

Job Opportunities are Plenty

The traditional concept of registered nurses only working for the NHS no longer exists. With additional training there are many other avenues open to nurses. Nurses can explore careers in the military, the prison service, private practice, cosmetic clinics, private healthcare organisations and even working in an office environment as a nurse assessor or even with a drug company. Your nursing skills can be utilised in many sectors.

With the development of technology and globalisation the opportunities for qualified nurses are endless. However keeping your skills constantly updated and keeping in touch with technologies will always improve your chances for advancement.

How to Prepare for an Agency Nurse Job Interview?

May 20 2019


Whether you are a newly qualified nurse or an experienced agency nurse, interviewing for your next nursing job can be daunting. Along with your technical expertise, you have to win over the interviewer that you are an ideal candidate for their healthcare organisation.

To make you land the best nursing agency jobs, here we share some advice and tips to help you with the interview process. With these tips, you will be able to prepare well for your next agency nursing interview.

Market Research

The primary step in preparing for your next agency nursing interview is to do in-depth market research. Let the interviewer know that you researched the position you are applying for and let them know you understand the role, location and what will be expected of you. In addition to the job description, you must research thoroughly about the healthcare organisation or hospital setting you want to work in. Most hospitals and private healthcare organisations will have plenty of information posted on line. Do your homework before the interview and it will impress the interviewer.

Dress Appropriately

Your appearance is important. You will be representing the agency as an agency nurse. It is a good idea to dress professionally for you interview. First impressions last and make a difference. By making an effort it will show the interviewer you are serious about the position you are applying for, and it is also an indicator of your dedication and commitment to the agency nursing position. Ask the interviewer if there is a specific agency uniform that must be worn. Most of the time, agencies will have their own specific uniform so you can be easily identifiable. Use your time at the interview to ask questions to clarify dress the code and standards expected.

The Opening Session

Your interview starts as soon as you enter the premises. Interviewers notice everything. From your expressions, body language, eye contact, and other gestures. It is essential that you appear confident and relaxed from the start.

Consider the interview as the first opportunity to promote yourself. Some of the common questions for which you should prepare well in advance are:

  • Why do you want this nursing agency position?
  • What has motivated you to become an agency nurse?
  • What is it you like about working as an agency nurse?
  • What hobbies do you have outside of work?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Technical Expertise and Soft Skills

Once you have had a chance to introduce yourself, the interviewer will ask some sample questions. This will include real life scenarios and examples of a time when you have been in a specific situation. Such questions are asked to test your competency / skills and to know how you deal with real-life situations and challenges.

Along with soft skills, you will have to answer some technical questions also. When answering any question, make sure you highlight any particular skills or characteristic that pertain to yourself. Self-motivation, patient care, crisis management, and teamwork are essential traits that you discuss to showcase your skill sets.

Concluding Note

Once you are towards the end of your interview, you will have an opportunity to ask some questions. It is best to go prepared with a set of questions, this will shows your interest in nursing agency jobs.

Remember, your interview is over only when you leave the site. So, stay professional at all times. Don’t stress after the interview. Once it is over, you can relax and put it down to experience. After a few days if you have not heard anything you can always send an email asking for feedback on your interview.

How Can You Find Nursing Roles That Suit Your Profile?

May 7 2019

A nursing career will have you care for others in a wide variety of settings. From prisons, armed forces to hospitals, there are many clinical settings you can chose from. Senior nurses often care for patients, with ailments and minor injuries and those that are critically ill. They also have more responsibilities like taking charge of wards and supervising other staff members. Here is how you can find the right role as a nurse.


You will need a degree and registration with Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). The NMC recognises certain pre-registration nursing programs. These programs are run only at NMC-approved educational institutions (AEIs). If you have a degree in another practice based learning or other health-related subjects, you may be eligible to get accreditation of prior learning (APL). Such learning qualifications may be considered as program requirements towards certain approved postgraduate diplomas and approved degrees. You can obtain more information by contacting the relevant institution directly.

Update Your Resume

Irrespective of whether you are a fresh graduate or a returnee, having an updated resume is a must for finding the best nursing agency in Shrewsbury. Try building a functional resume that highlights your education and skills.


Join nursing associations and attend workshops and conferences to meet other professionals in your area. You can even volunteer to organise meetings and gain greater exposure to fellow nursing professionals. As for recommendations on the best nursing agency in Shrewsbury. Talk to your former colleagues, family, and friends for any references they may know. Referrals are a great way to find nursing jobs before they become open to the public.

Understand The Working Hours And Benefits

Undoubtedly, working as a nurse in an agency will provide you with flexibility. But it is necessary to have a look at your personal commitments and understand the working hours you are comfortable with. Also, remember to check on the pay package. Enquire whether you will receive holiday benefits, any likely costs to incur. Go ahead with the application only after ascertaining these key points.

Work Experience

Previous experience is generally necessary in most cases. A minimum of six months post qualification experience is required. Ensure you document this experience well and leave no gaps in your CV as the gaps will be questioned and you will have to explain them even if you have taken a break to go traveling.

Nursing Interview

You must prove to your interviewer that you have the right personality and clinical skills necessary for handling the role of a nurse. You will have to reference some of your clinical skills and explain the situations where you have used them

Nursing is all about empathy and great care. Finding the role of a nurse becomes easier when you are equipped with the right academic qualification and understand your expectations from the role.

What Are the Common Ways to Become a Mental Health Nurse in the UK?

May 7 2019

Mental health nurses are in high demand across the world. This is because of increasing cases of depression, stress, anxiety, and emotional imbalances to name a few. As a result, more and more healthcare institutions like nursing agency in Cambridge are heading towards recruiting mental health workers. If you want to take this situation to your advantage then you can plan a career as a mental health nurse. Here we discuss some of the common ways to become a mental health nurse in the UK.

The Common Ways to Become a Mental Health Nurse in the UK

You can become a registered mental health nurse or an RMN in the UK by successfully completing a degree in mental health nursing from a UK university. With more than 60 universities in the UK offering specialised programs in mental health nursing, you have the benefit of selecting among a wide range of universities.

Eligibility Criteria

The basic eligibility criteria for these courses is having a minimum of five GCSE grades between A*(9) and C(4), including math, science, English, and two/three A-Levels, including science and in any one of the health-related subjects. But remember, each university has its own set of criteria for entry requirements. Hence, you must contact the individual university before applying. You can apply to a university even if you possess a degree in another field.

Once your application is approved, you then have to gain a degree in pre-registration nursing specialising in mental health. After completing your qualifications, involving both practical and theoretical experience, you have to register with NMC or the Nursing and Midwifery Council. The registration needs renewal every year and revalidation every three years.

Alternate Ways to Become a Mental Health Nurse in the UK

The above-mentioned routes are the most common. There are other alternate routes also that can help you to become a mental health nurse. For those who do not have the desired grades at A-level, they can also take into account other qualifications. Some of these qualifications include :

Advanced/Scottish Highers, OCR Cambridge Technicals, Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma qualifications, Access Courses, and International Baccalaureate.

Nursing Degree Apprenticeship

You can also get into mental health nursing through nursing degree apprenticeships. This scheme was announced by the UK government first in 2014 and then in September 2017 to offer students the opportunity to earn while they learn, with a time gap between gaining theoretical knowledge of nursing as well as practical experience in the workplace. Such degrees are equivalent to degrees obtained at universities.

Postgraduate Route

Another pathway to becoming a mental health nurse is the postgraduate route. In context to the decision of the UK government to scrap bursaries for the undergraduates, City University of London has introduced a novel scholarship exclusively for postgraduates applying for pre-registration in nursing courses. This initiative offers support to those who want to have a career in healthcare.

Return to Practice Courses

RTP or Return to Practice courses can offer a gateway to mental health nursing. Multiple universities in the UK offer these courses to help qualified nurses get back into the registration.
The above are the main ways to become a mental health nurse in the UK. Once qualified with six months experience you can register with a nursing agency in Cambridge. You just have to select your own preferred route from the above.

What Can You Expect from the Career as a Prison Nurse?

May 2 2019

When seeking a career in the medical profession, not many people consider becoming a prison nurse. However, this demanding yet essential role is one of the high paid nurses and can offer rewarding professional and personal development.

Naturally, not everyone will make a career in prison nursing, but those with the right skills sets and competencies may find this area a rewarding one.

Work Settings

Prison nurses have to work in different settings, ranging from security prisons to offender’s institutes, each having its own unique challenges to meet. Regardless of the working conditions, prison nurses are expected to handle situations effectively, practice a non-judgmental methodology and treat their patients with care and respect.

Beyond those bars, prisoners receive a high standard of healthcare treatment, and prison nurses are required to take care, and sometimes more, particularly for those suffering from substance-related health issues or mental problems. Moreover, you as a prison nurse must be able to perform within multidisciplinary teams and easily carry out day to day responsibilities effectively.


You can work efficiently as a prison nurse with mental flexibility and the ability to handle multiple responsibilities at the same time. In addition to people skills, you must be able to demonstrate your knowledge of complex medical conditions and maintain a positive relationship with the prisoners as well as other members of the team.

Furthermore, you must possess quick decision-making skills and pay attention to the emotional and environmental needs of prisoners. Sometimes, you may even have to become a parent figure as you have to take care of prisoners dealing with drug, social or alcohol problems.

Prison nurses are required to metaphorically handle prisoners and help them deal with social issues. You must aim at getting them on the right track, support their rehabilitation and offer them emotional and mental support.


Prison nurses are one of the high paid nurses within the NHS. However, the salary may vary depending on the experience and role of an individual. The demand for prison nurses is always high, so you can expect to have a long-term career in the field. Also, you may have to work in shift patterns at one facility and may have to move from one place to the other, depending on where there is a requirement.

Working Hours

Typically, prison nurses work for a standard 37.5 hours a week depending on the role. But sometimes the nurses have to work in the weekend as well.

With the help of part-time nursing agencies, you can take on individual shifts to have flexibility at work and lifestyle.

Training and Development

Prison nurses can undertake training within the NHS, which will train them in various areas of substance misuse or mental health. Training regarding trans-cultural healthcare practice and healthcare management is also offered.

After having enough experience, you can expect to work as a senior nurse, in prison or in general practice.

If you can work under various work settings and willing to lend prisoners a supportive and caring hand then the career of a prison nurse maybe just right for you.

The Contact Telephone Number for Nursing Personnel