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Search Results

You searched for: HCA L/D & M/H

Darlington Hospitals
  • Agency
  • Darlington
  • HCA General CSW
  • £10-£16 PH


Newcastle Hospitals
  • Agency
  • Newcastle, Northumberland
  • HCA L/D & M/H
  • £10 - £16


Lynfield Mount Hospital
  • Agency
  • Bradford
  • HCA L/D & M/H
  • not specified


Cross Lane Hospital Scarborough
  • Agency
  • North Yorkshire
  • HCA General CSW
  • not specified


Wansbeck Hospital
  • Agency
  • Newcastle
  • HCA General CSW, HCA L/D & M/H
  • not specified

Healthcare assistants (HCAs) work alongside nurses in wards across Wansbeck Hospital, helping to ensure patients receive the best possible care. Typical duties include feeding and washing patients, mo...

St Nicholas Hospital
  • Agency
  • Newcastle
  • HCA General CSW
  • not specified


The Royal Shrewsbury Hospital
  • Agency
  • Southampton, Shrewsbury and Telford
  • RGN / RN
  • not specified

If you have not yet registered with us, please do so to start your application. If you have already registered with us, please go to the nursing portal to make your application....

Antelope House (old DOP Royal South Hants)
  • Agency
  • Southampton
  • HCA L/D & M/H
  • not specified

If you have not yet registered with us, please do so to start your application. If you have already registered with us, please go to the nursing portal to make your application....

Julian Hospital
  • Agency
  • Norwich
  • HCA L/D & M/H
  • not specified

If you have not yet registered with us, please do so to start your application. If you have already registered with us, please go to the nursing portal to make your application....

Birmingham Hopitals
  • Agency
  • Birmingham
  • RGN / RN
  • £20-£45

Nursing Personnel are recruiting qualified nurses across Birmingham and the West Midlands. There is currently high demand for nurses and we have contracts with all Birmingham Hospitals....

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