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Nursing Union Setting Up £35 M Fund for Strike Action

Nursing Union Setting Up £35 M Fund for Strike Action

The RCN is setting up a £35 million industrial action fund as a result of the government’s proposal of a 1% pay rise for nurses following one of the most difficult and challenging years on record for the nursing profession. The government is facing a furious back lash following the 1% proposed pay rise.

Colenzo Jarrett Thorpe the unions national officer has stated “ Unite would look at all possible options including industrial action” he added “ The time for clapping has stopped, now is the time to pay up”

Some ministers have defended the proposal saying 1% was the most the UK could afford at a time when public spending is at a record high. Labour leader Kier Starmer asked the government to consider a fair pay increase considering Covid 19 and the NHS heroes.  Dame Donna Kinnair told ITV “It does feel like a slap round the face really because actually it feel like we’re very, very low on the government’s priority.” She said the 1% pay increase is “pitiful” and said she was “bitterly disappointed” by the news.

A Government spokesman said ministers would “carefully” consider the recommendations of the pay review bodies when they report in late spring.

“Over one million NHS staff continue to benefit from multi-year pay deals agreed with trade unions, which have delivered a pay rise of over 12% for newly-qualified nurses and will increase junior doctors’ pay scales by 8.2%,” the spokesman said.

“Pay rises in the rest of the public sector will be paused this year due to the challenging economic environment, but we will continue to provide pay rises for NHS workers, on top of a £513 million investment in professional development and increased recruitment.”

Nursing Personnel would like to add our support for all nurses and encourage the government to award a substantial pay rise for nurses who have been the through hero’s in 2020 and 2021.


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