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Kent - Ref No: 160

Title Kent
Hospital Kent Client
Start Time
End Time
Shift Date
Shift Type Permanent
Qualification RGN / RN
Profession Nurse
Reference 160
Location Kent

Nursing Personnel are recruiting a Continuing Healthcare Nurse Assessor for a Band 6 role.

Experience: The candidate will be responsible for: • Be responsible for completion of timely and comprehensive assessment, applying the principles of the NF. • Complete the assessment tools from the NF, in conjunction with individual /family and Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) • Case manage NHS Continuing Healthcare (NHS CHC) funded clients • Review and reassess clients’ eligibility for NHS CHC and FNC • Review the CHC and FNC service and care commissioned in regards to quality and appropriateness to client need • Complete retrospective CHC reviews as required • Present CHC cases at both local MDT CHC meetings and local CHC Review panel • Participate in case conferences as required. Ensure accurate minutes and record of meetings are kept and distributed as appropriate • Participate in Best Interest meetings as necessary • Ensure accurate and open communication and co-ordination with a range of organisations and individuals • Be a key member of the team as well as supporting effective communication and stakeholder management, both internally and externally • The job description and person specification are an outline of the tasks, responsibilities and outcomes required of the role. The job holder will carry out any other duties as may reasonably be required by their line manager. • The job description and person specification may be reviewed on an ongoing basis in accordance with the changing needs of the Department and the Organisation

If you have not yet registered with us, please do so to start your application. If you have already registered with us, please go to the nursing portal to make your application.

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